Doctoral Conference and course on public policies, innovation and design thinking, how to create business models, marketing aspects, finance for entrepreneurship and legal framework.
The doctoral conference is co-located with the CSNDSP2020.
It comprises of three technical sessions (TeamUp5G) and the forum on “New RAN Techniques for 5G Ultra-dense Networks”.
TeamUp5G sessions:
- TeamUp5G.01: Monday 20th of July, Chairs: Fernando J. Velez, Albena Mihovska
- TeamUp5G.02: Monday 20th of July, Chairs: Adão Silva, Víctor P. Gil Jiménez
- TeamUp5G.03: Tuesday 21st of July, Chairs: Maria Julia Fernandez-Getino Garcia, Susana Sargento
New RAN Techniques for 5G Ultra-dense Networks (Tuesday 21st of July):
This Forum will include lively discussions on 5G terrestrial and drone-based small cells, innovation and entrepreneurship. Distinguished speakers will present state-of-the-art research and initiatives (around the Globe) on spectrum management for 5G and beyond HetNets, entrepreneurship in the field of drone small-cells, as well as entrepreneurship Intrapreneurship and Interpreneurship in the Wireless Communications Sector. The Forum will work as a panel, and panelists will synchronously answer to the questions from the audience.
Panel members:
- Jon Michael Peha (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
- Peter Lindgren (Aarhus University, Herning Campus, Denmark)
- Luis Miguel Serra da Costa Campos (PDMFC, Lisbon Portugal)
- Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastião (Instituto de Telecomunicações and ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon Portugal)
Fernando J. Velez (Instituto de Telecomunicações and UBI)
Hourly Schedule
TEAMUP5G.01: 1st Workshop on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks
- TeamUp5G: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Training and Research on New RAN Techniques for 5G Ultra-Dense Mobile Networks
- Raquel Perez Leal, Fernando J. Velez, Luís Miguel Campos and Ana Garcia Armada
- Performance Comparison of Interference Alignment Algorithms in an Energy Harvesting Scenario
- David A Urquiza and Maria Julia Fernandez-Getino Garcia
- Multicarrier Waveform Candidates for Beyond 5G
- Bahram Khan and Fernando J. Velez
- Cutting the Cord: Key Performance Indicators for the Future of Wireless Virtual Reality Applications
- Diego González Morín, Ana Garcia Armada and Pablo Pérez
- Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship and Interpreneurship in a World of Future Wireless Technology and Advanced Multi Business Model Innovation
- Peter Lindgren
New DayTEAMUP5G.02: 1st Workshop on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks
- A Survey About Deep Learning for Constellation Design in Communications
- Manuel José López-Morales, Kun Chen-Hu and Ana Garcia Armada
- Alamouti Coding Scheme and Virtual Array Concept for Joint Radar and Communication Systems
- Leonardo Leyva, João Maciel, Daniel Castanheira, Adão Silva and Atílio Gameiro
- Small Cell Deployment Challenges in Ultradense Networks: Architecture and Resource Management
- Nidhi Nidhi and Albena Mihovska
- MmWave Massive MIMO Small Cells for 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks: An Overview
- Aboubacar Mchangama, Jaouhar Ayadi, Víctor P. Gil Jiménez and Angelo Consoli
TEAMUP5G.03: 1st Workshop on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks
- Flying Mobile Edge Computing Towards 5G and Beyond: An Overview on Current Use Cases and Challenges
- Pedro Luiz Magalhaes Cumino and Susana Sargento
- Multi-purpose Low Latency Streaming Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Ricardo Sacoto-Martins, Joao Madeira, João Pedro Carvalho, Fábio Azevedo and Luís Miguel Campos
- UAV Cloud Platform for Precision Farming
- Miguel Pino, João Pedro Carvalho, Dario Pedro, Luís Miguel Campos and João Seco
- Reference Scenarios and Key Performance Indicators for 5G Ultra-dense Networks
- Luís Miguel Campos, Luís L Ribeiro, Ioannis Karydis, Stelios Karagiannis, Dario Pedro, Jorge Martins, Carlos Marques, Ana Garcia Armada, Raquel Perez Leal, Manuel José López-Morales, Fernando J. Velez, Pedro Sebastião and Anderson Ramos
New RAN Techniques for 5G Ultra-dense Networks
- 13:15 - 14:45
- Discussions on 5G terrestrial and drone-based small cells, innovation and entrepreneurship