Doctoral Conference and course on public policies, innovation and design thinking, how to create business models, marketing aspects, finance for entrepreneurship and legal framework.

The doctoral conference is co-located with the CSNDSP2020.

It comprises of three technical sessions (TeamUp5G) and the forum on “New RAN Techniques for 5G Ultra-dense Networks”.

TeamUp5G sessions:

  • TeamUp5G.01: Monday 20th of July, Chairs: Fernando J. Velez, Albena Mihovska
  • TeamUp5G.02: Monday 20th of July, Chairs: Adão Silva, Víctor P. Gil Jiménez
  • TeamUp5G.03: Tuesday 21st of July, Chairs: Maria Julia Fernandez-Getino Garcia, Susana Sargento

New RAN Techniques for 5G Ultra-dense Networks (Tuesday 21st of July):

This Forum will include lively discussions on 5G terrestrial and  drone-based small cells, innovation and entrepreneurship. Distinguished speakers will present state-of-the-art research and initiatives (around the Globe) on spectrum management for 5G and beyond HetNets, entrepreneurship in the field of drone small-cells, as well as entrepreneurship Intrapreneurship and Interpreneurship in the Wireless Communications Sector. The Forum will work as a panel, and panelists will synchronously answer to the questions from the audience.

Panel members:

  • Jon Michael Peha (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
  • Peter Lindgren (Aarhus University, Herning Campus, Denmark)
  • Luis Miguel Serra da Costa Campos (PDMFC, Lisbon Portugal)
  • Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastião (Instituto de Telecomunicações and ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon Portugal)


Fernando J. Velez (Instituto de Telecomunicações and UBI)

Hourly Schedule

TEAMUP5G.01: 1st Workshop on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks

TeamUp5G: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Training and Research on New RAN Techniques for 5G Ultra-Dense Mobile Networks
Raquel Perez Leal, Fernando J. Velez, Luís Miguel Campos and Ana Garcia Armada
Performance Comparison of Interference Alignment Algorithms in an Energy Harvesting Scenario
David A Urquiza and Maria Julia Fernandez-Getino Garcia
Multicarrier Waveform Candidates for Beyond 5G
Bahram Khan and Fernando J. Velez
Cutting the Cord: Key Performance Indicators for the Future of Wireless Virtual Reality Applications
Diego González Morín, Ana Garcia Armada and Pablo Pérez
Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship and Interpreneurship in a World of Future Wireless Technology and Advanced Multi Business Model Innovation
Peter Lindgren

New DayTEAMUP5G.02: 1st Workshop on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks

A Survey About Deep Learning for Constellation Design in Communications
Manuel José López-Morales, Kun Chen-Hu and Ana Garcia Armada
Alamouti Coding Scheme and Virtual Array Concept for Joint Radar and Communication Systems
Leonardo Leyva, João Maciel, Daniel Castanheira, Adão Silva and Atílio Gameiro
Small Cell Deployment Challenges in Ultradense Networks: Architecture and Resource Management
Nidhi Nidhi and Albena Mihovska
MmWave Massive MIMO Small Cells for 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks: An Overview
Aboubacar Mchangama, Jaouhar Ayadi, Víctor P. Gil Jiménez and Angelo Consoli

TEAMUP5G.03: 1st Workshop on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks

Flying Mobile Edge Computing Towards 5G and Beyond: An Overview on Current Use Cases and Challenges
Pedro Luiz Magalhaes Cumino and Susana Sargento
Multi-purpose Low Latency Streaming Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Ricardo Sacoto-Martins, Joao Madeira, João Pedro Carvalho, Fábio Azevedo and Luís Miguel Campos
UAV Cloud Platform for Precision Farming
Miguel Pino, João Pedro Carvalho, Dario Pedro, Luís Miguel Campos and João Seco
Reference Scenarios and Key Performance Indicators for 5G Ultra-dense Networks
Luís Miguel Campos, Luís L Ribeiro, Ioannis Karydis, Stelios Karagiannis, Dario Pedro, Jorge Martins, Carlos Marques, Ana Garcia Armada, Raquel Perez Leal, Manuel José López-Morales, Fernando J. Velez, Pedro Sebastião and Anderson Ramos

New RAN Techniques for 5G Ultra-dense Networks

13:15 - 14:45
Discussions on 5G terrestrial and  drone-based small cells, innovation and entrepreneurship


Jul 20 - 22 2020